Monday, July 21, 2014

Successful and Unsuccessful Implementation of ISTE's Essential Conditions

Using Technology In Our Schools...Are we Using it Correctly?

It’s amazing that I’ve spent a whole year as a Technology Integrationist at my school and haven’t yet come across ISTE’s Essential Conditions document which can be found here.  These conditions are to be used to argue for technology in our schools. In looking at technology plans that were created in response to state and national technology plans I was able to find some ways that schools are successfully implementing these essential conditions.  I also found some ways that these essential conditions need to be supported more fully. 

Successful Implementation of Essential Conditions:

#1 A Shared Vision

 Any vision that you will work to make real needs support.  The more people you have on your team to support your vision the more successful you will be.  The plan I looked at successfully incorporated ideas from the staff, leadership team, students, parents and their community.  In order for other Conditions to have success if you do not have buy in from all involved parties you will be unsuccessful. 

#2 Equitable Access

In order to see success with technology in schools students and teachers need to have access to learn the skills necessary to use it.  The plan I looked at has achieved access for most all of its students and staff through their 1 to 1 initiative.  Most schools have already implemented a 1 to 1 program, while the last school is almost there.  Their plan states that most all teachers are also 1 to 1, since in order for students to learn the necessary 21st century skills, teachers need to use technology successfully. 

#3 Assessment and Evaluation

In order for any plan to be successful it needs to evaluate it success and adapt to challenges it faces.   The plan I looked at acknowledges that it is a living document that will be updated.  It also discusses how it will evaluate teachers and students to measure its successes and failures. 

Unsuccessful Implementation of Essential Conditions:

Skilled Personnel/ Ongoing Professional Learning

One of the most important Conditions asks that teachers be skilled in the uses of technology, and that in order to be skilled they are supported through their district with professional learning opportunities.  The plan I looked at promised to allow for 10 hours of professional learning in the field of technology each year.  I know that despite this lofty goal it did not take place.  I know that turn over with personnel in both the faculty and leadership team has allowed this goal to be forgotten.  I would remind others of this goal.

Another part of this plan that I would want to call attention to is the discussion of posting the plans goals not only on the district website, and in the newsletter, but also on the school walls.  I think putting these goals in a visible space could be helpful in reminding us daily what we are working toward.

1 comment:

  1. Jill, Nice job being specific about the essential conditions you saw in the technology plan you reviewed that would help them succeed. It is rare that all of ISTE's essential conditions would be met, but knowing they are there and striving towards them can be helpful.
