Sunday, June 29, 2014

Who am I as a leader?

  As my first blog post ever I ask that you bear with me. My task for today is to answer the following:

Who am I as a leader?  

This seems like such a nice short question doesn't it?  However the answer on the other hand isn't so.  This last spring during a teacher inservice we were asked what kind of animal we were and given options to choose from including hawk, tiger, rabbit or turtle. I was unsure then which animal to choose because just as with the question above my answer depends on what situation I find myself in.  In the end I chose turtle because most often I am a people pleaser but when it comes to something I am passionate about I am willing to stand up for my beliefs. 

As a leader I follow in the same way as in my example. I often work to lead others in a way that sometimes compromises things in order to make everyone get a bit of what they want or need. I don't like to rock the boat too often but if something comes up that is important, especially for my students, I will not compromise. I always try to do what is best for my students. It is important to me that our students' needs be met. I will work overtime to make this happen. I try to look at the big picture as much as possible but find at times with my tight schedule that the short term needs are met first. Through weekly meetings and on the fly discussions I work with my supervisor and mentors on figuring how to meet the long term needs, especially for the teachers I work with.  

One such need is the use of Google apps. As part of our school's Continuous Improvement Plan I will conduct professional development sessions for teachers who will be using Google apps in their classrooms.  The need to use Google apps is increasing not only due to the collaborative tools which it offers but also because our students will be using them when they get to Middle School.  In order to prepare our students to use these tools the teachers must first be able to use them effectively and efficiently.  I have already conducted one basic Google training which many attended. In order top pre asses what the teachers would need I created a needs assessment survey that was mailed using a Google form but also a pen and paper form that was out into teachers' mailboxes.  After receiving data on what teachers needed and more specifically knew or didn't know I was able to create a plan for what needed to be taught as well as when it needed to be taught.  We have part time teachers and staff who wanted to be in attendance and couldn't make it specific days and times.  At the Google Basics training teachers were given exit tickets that counted both as their sign in for attending as well as a post assessment option that allowed them to reflect on what they learned and what they still had questions about. Those who couldn't make the training a were given the handout as well as one on one training in a few cases.

As a leader I use my resources to gauge needs and desires in order to achieve the result that will fit the needs of most of those in affect. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It sounds like harmony is an important state for you to be in with those you lead, but you are willing to move out of that state if it means your student needs are able to be better met.
